Have you ever imagined seeing yourself at the final table of a Main Event? If so, you should learn the poker strategy of 3 betting as well as how to exploit other 3 bettors. We previously talked about the former in our article “3-Bet in Poker: What and How to Use It?, so we won’t be going into it today. Instead, this article will be mainly about the “exploiting” part.
After all, understanding and exploiting weak 3 bettors can be a game-changer in your poker journey. Regardless of whether you are playing at the cash game tables or battling it out in tournaments, recognizing the common traits of weak 3 betting strategies and adjusting your play accordingly can significantly boost your win rate.
What is a Weak 3 Bettor?
A "weak 3 bettor" refers to a player whose 3-betting strategy has glaring flaws. These flaws can include:
Incorrect Bet Sizing: Inexperienced and/or recreational players tend to bet too small or too large without adjusting to the situation. Remember, a small 3-bet may give opponents excellent odds to call, while an overly large one can inform others the strength of their hand.
Poor Hand Selection: Choosing hands that don’t have the equity to justify a 3-bet. This could be speculative hands in the wrong position or weak offsuit combinations that don’t perform well post-flop.
Predictable Patterns: 3-betting only with premiums or frequently bluffing in obvious spots. Predictability makes it easier for skilled players to counter them.
Weak 3 bettors often struggle to adapt to dynamic situations, leaving them vulnerable to players who can read their tendencies and adjust accordingly.
Identifying Weak 3 Bettors
To exploit weak 3 bettors, you first need to spot them. Here are some signs:
Static Sizing: They use the same 3-bet size regardless of position, stack depth, or opponent tendencies. This lack of variation often signals a rigid or inexperienced player.
Overly Polarized Ranges: These players either have the nuts or complete air, making them predictable. For instance, they might only 3-bet with hands like AA, KK, or A5s while neglecting middle-strength hands like AQ or TT.
Overly Linear Ranges: On the flip side, some weak 3 bettors only 3-bet with “good” hands such as AK, AQ, or JJ+ and rarely include bluffs.
Unbalanced Frequencies: They either 3-bet too often, indicating an overly aggressive approach, or too rarely, signaling a tight and predictable strategy.
Excessive Folding: Weak 3 bettors often fold too frequently when faced with aggression, making them ripe for exploitation with 4-bet bluffs.
Observing your opponents’ tendencies through a combination of live reads and tools like HUD stats (in online games) can help you identify these traits quickly.
Strategies to Exploit Weak 3 Bettors
A solid poker 3 bet strategy involves maintaining balance between value hands and bluffs while adapting to your opponents' tendencies. Against weak 3 bettors, this strategy shifts toward maximizing value and exploiting their predictable ranges.
Once you've identified a weak 3 bettor, here are some actionable tactics to exploit them effectively:
1. Leverage Position
Position is power in poker, and it becomes even more critical when facing weak 3 bettors. You can call wider in position and use your post-flop edge to outplay them.
Example: A weak 3 bettor in the cutoff 3-bets your button raise. With hands like suited connectors or mid-pairs, you can flat-call and capitalize on their predictable c-bet patterns.
2. Adjust Your Range
Against overly polarized players: Expand your 4-betting range to include more value hands and bluffs pre flop. Their weak range components will fold often, and their strong hands are easily identifiable.
Against linear players: Tighten your calling and 4-betting range, as they’re unlikely to fold strong hands. Instead, focus on playing post-flop with hands that can realize their equity.
3. Exploit Bet Sizing
Small 3-bets: Call more often with speculative hands like suited connectors or small pairs. These hands thrive in multi-street play, especially against predictable opponents.
Oversized 3-bets: Tighten your calling range and focus on exploiting their overcommitment. If they consistently make large 3-bets with premium hands, you can narrow their range significantly.
4. Increase Aggression
Weak 3 bettors often crumble under pressure. Well-timed 4-bets or post-flop aggression can force them to make mistakes.
Example: A weak 3 bettor in the big blind 3-bets your late-position open. If you’re holding a blocker hand like KJo or A5s, consider 4-bet bluffing them. Their tendency to fold to aggression will make this a profitable play.
5. Target Predictable Post-Flop Play
Weak 3 bettors often lack creativity post-flop. They may c-bet excessively or give up too easily when they miss the board.
Example: You call a weak 3-bet with 9T. The flop comes Q84. If they c-bet, a float or semi-bluff raise can exploit their reluctance to continue without a top pair or better.
6. Adapt to Game Dynamics
Live Games: In live settings, look for physical tells such as hesitation or nervous behavior when they 3-bet. These can provide valuable insights into their hand strength.
Online Games: Use HUD stats to analyze their tendencies. For instance, a high 3-bet percentage but low fold-to-4-bet ratio may indicate they are over-aggressive but committed to their bluffs.
Hand Examples: Putting It All Together
Hand Example 1: Flat-Calling in Position
Scenario: You raise to $6 from the button with AJ, and a weak 3 bettor in the small blind raises to $18.
Action: You flat-call, planning to exploit their predictable c-bet strategy. The flop comes K♤54. They bet $20 into $37.
Play: Raise to $50 as a bluff. Their weak polarized range likely includes many weak hands that miss this flop, forcing folds from their air.
Hand Example 2: 4-Bet Bluff
Scenario: In a $1/$2 cash game, you open to $6 from the hijack with A5. A weak 3 bettor in the cutoff raises to $18.
Action: You 4-bet to $45. Their high fold-to-4-bet percentage ensures that you can easily take down many 3-bet pots.
Hand Example 3: Exploiting Oversized 3-Bets
Scenario: A weak 3 bettor makes an oversized 3-bet to $30 in a $1/$2 game after your $6 open.
Action: Fold marginal hands like ATo or KQo and wait for premium holdings. When you do have a strong hand, their oversized bet inflates the pot, maximizing your value.
Additional Tips for Success
Stay Observant: Poker is a game of constant learning. Pay attention to the nuances of your opponents’ playstyles and adjust accordingly.
Mix It Up: While exploiting weak 3 bettors, ensure you’re not becoming predictable yourself. Balance your bluffs and value plays to keep them guessing.
Manage Your Bankroll: Exploiting weak 3 bettors can increase your win rate, but variance is inevitable. Stick to proper bankroll management to weather downswings.
Final Thoughts
Exploiting weak 3 bettors is about observation, adaptation, and execution. By identifying their 3-betting range and applying the strategies outlined above, you can consistently turn their weaknesses into your advantage. Weak 3 bettors are common at both live and online tables, making this knowledge a valuable addition to your poker arsenal.
Now it’s your turn! Next time you encounter a weak 3 bettor, put these tactics to the test and watch your win rate climb. Remember, every adjustment you make brings you one step closer to mastering the game. Good luck at the tables!