Underpairs can be tricky to play in cash games. While pocket pairs can be strong in some situations, playing them wrong will cost you money in the long run.
Many poker players struggle with underpairs because they are pretty weak hands playing against overcards. Imagine this scenario - you're holding a pair of sixes when your pair misses the flop. What will you do here?
That where this article comes in, to help you explore underpair strategy in poker and make better decisions at the tables.
Understanding Underpairs
An underpair is a pocket pair that is lower than any of the community cards on the board. For example, if you hold pocket sixes (66) and the flop comes KJ8, your hand is now an underpair. This situation sucks when your pocket pair is dominated by higher cards, and your chances of improving are slim.
Playing underpairs optimally requires a solid understanding of bet sizing, stack size, and opponent tendencies. While underpairs can win pots, knowing when to bet, check, fold, or continue is crucial to long-term success in cash games.
When to Play Underpairs in Cash Games
The key to successfully playing underpairs in cash games is understanding their relative strength in different situations. Here are some scenarios where underpairs can still be profitable:
1. Raising Preflop in Late Position
If you are in late position and everyone folds to you, raising with an underpair can be a profitable move. Your opponents might put you on a stronger hand, and you may take down the blinds without a fight.
However, if you get called and the flop comes with overcards, you need to be cautious.
2. Playing in Multiway Pots
Underpairs perform better in multiway pots when played for set-mining purposes. If you can see a cheap flop, hitting a set will make your hand extremely strong.
However, if the bet size is too high, calling with an underpair can cost you more than expected, especially when your stack size is small.
3. Defending in the Big Blind
If you are in the big blind facing a small raise, calling with an underpair can be a reasonable option.
The key is to play carefully post-flop. If top pair or overcards appear, you might need to check and fold.
When to Fold With an Underpair
Not every situation is worth playing an underpair. Knowing when to fold can save you money in the long run. Here are some scenarios where folding is the best choice:
Facing a large preflop raise: If an aggressive player raises big, your underpair might not be worth calling.
Out of position post-flop: Playing underpairs out of position is tough. If you miss a set and an opponent bets big, it’s usually better to fold.
Against a strong opponent: Some players will apply pressure on later streets. If you’re not comfortable playing your underpair post-flop, folding early is a smart move.
The Danger of Overplaying Underpairs
Many poker players make the mistake of overplaying underpairs, especially in cash games. If you continue betting aggressively with a small pocket pair on a high-card board, you’re likely to lose money in the long run.
Example: You have pocket fives (55), and the flop comes AK10. If you continue betting, you are likely throwing money away because most hands will call or raise with top pair or better.
Instead of getting stubborn with an underpair, be willing to fold when necessary. The best players know that avoiding unnecessary risks with weak hands is just as important as making big bets with strong hands.
Adjusting Your Strategy
To maximize your profit with underpairs, you need to adjust your strategy based on the game dynamic:
Against tight players: You can try to steal the pot with a well-timed bluff.
Against loose players: Set-mining is the best approach since they will pay you off when you hit a set.
Deep-stacked games: You have more flexibility to play underpairs for value.
Short-stacked games: Be more selective and avoid calling big bets with underpairs unless you’re committed.
Playing underpairs optimally in cash games is a challenge, but with the right approach, you can minimize losses and maximize profits. Focus on picking the right spots, avoiding unnecessary risks, and recognizing when to check and fold. Understanding how to play underpairs will help you make better decisions and improve your overall poker strategy.
By adjusting your playstyle based on position, stack size, and opponent tendencies, you can turn underpairs from a problematic hand into a profitable one. Keep refining your game, and soon you’ll handle underpairs like a pro!