Win your way to APT Taipei 2025 | Over 270 seats to be won | $50,000 Main Event bonus for Natural8 Qualifiers only

Journey to APT Taipei 2025

Journey to APT Taipei 2025

The tour continues – this time, APT is making a pit stop at Taipei, Taiwan from 25th April - 4th May 2025. Check out what you can do on Natural8 to make your way there at an affordable cost, while getting a chance to win the handsome $50,000 bonus!

Click here for the full APT Taipei 2025 schedule

Table of Contents

$50,000 Bonus to APT Taipei Main Event Winner

$50,000 Bonus to APT Taipei 2025 ME Winner

We have been sending Natural8 players to multiple APT events, but no one has won the $50,000 bonus yet! You could be the very first winner of the Natural8’s Main Event bonus!

Here’s how it works – win a seat to the APT Taipei Main Event via our exclusive Mega Satellites, OnLive Day 1s, or online direct buy-in and receive an additional $50,000 upon claiming victory in the Main Event.

Play now and be the first Natural8 player to claim the $50,000 Bonus!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If I win the APT Main Event, can I receive the $50,000 Main Event bonus in cash?

No. The $50,000 Main Event bonus will be credited into your playing account as Natural8 credits.

If I win the APT Main Event, can I cash out my $50,000 Main Event bonus immediately?

To withdraw the $50,000 Main Event bonus, the usual withdrawal requirements as per our Withdrawal Policy will apply.

How can I be a Natural8 qualifier who can be eligible for this bonus?

To be considered as a Natural8 qualifier who can be eligible for this $50,000 bonus, you must qualify for the 2025 APT Taipei Main Event through our Mega Satellites or OnLive Day 1. If you have bought your Main Event ticket online via the Natural8 game client (online DBI), you will also be considered as a Natural8 qualifier who can be eligible for the $50,000 bonus.Note: Anyone who purchases the Main Event ticket onsite (at the live APT Taipei), wins the Main Event ticket via a live event, plays online satellites but DID NOT qualify for the Main Event, and/or is a sponsored VIP player WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE for the $50,000 bonus.

Target Stack Satellites

Play Target Stack Satellites for the fastest way to qualify for an APT Taipei event – win a seat the moment you hit the target stack!

Example: Let’s say that the event has a Target Stack of 120,000 chips. The moment you get 120,000 chips, you will immediately be awarded a seat to the target event. No more playing till the end!

Win Seats to APT National Cup

Win Seats to APT National Cup

We are giving away at least 120 x $367 seats with the Mega Satellites to the ~$305K GTD APT Taipei National Cup – that’s $43,920 worth of seats!

Mega Satellites to ~$305K GTD APT National Cup Live Day 1
Date Time (HKT) Buy-in (USD) Guarantee (USD)
2 March 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 10 x $367 Seats
9 March 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 10 x $367 Seats
16 March 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 15 x $367 Seats
23 March 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 20 x $367 Seats
30 March 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 20 x $367 Seats
6 April 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 15 x $367 Seats
13 April 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 15 x $367 Seats
20 April 2025 09:00 p.m. $40 15 x $367 Seats
$4 Step Satellites to ~$305K GTD APT National Cup Live Day 1*
Day Time
Monday - Friday 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. (Hourly)
Saturday 3 p.m. - 12 a.m. (Hourly)
Sunday 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Hourly) 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. (Hourly)

*For the most up-to-date schedule and start times, please check the Natural8 game client.

Can I buy in to APT National Cup LIVE Day 1 directly via Natural8?

Yes, you can do so. For more information, kindly contact

What happens if I cannot attend the LIVE Day 1?

You will forfeit your $367 APT National Cup entry entirely.

What happens if I win multiple tickets to APT National Cup LIVE Day 1?

You may use all of them for the LIVE Day 1, and for any additional unused seats, you will receive $326.63 minus the rake ($40.37) in the form of Natural8 credits after the series is over.

How do I claim my seats & packages?

The Natural8 team will reach out to you via email with further details and instructions and a digital seat coupon. Once you have confirmed your attendance, all you have to do is approach the APT registration counter at the venue with your digital seat coupon at least a day before for your Day 1 seat. Note: Kindly complete your KYC verification as soon as possible as you will be identified at APT Taipei with your real name. Otherwise, you might be unable to claim your seats.

APT Taipei Main Event Live Day 1 - Secure Your Seat Today!

Mega Satellites to APT Taipei Main Event Day 1

Set your own destiny! Journey to the APT Taipei Main Event with Natural8’s exclusive Mega & Step Satellites, where ~$211,600 in guaranteed prizes await!

We are giving out at least 120 seats, each valued at a minimum $1,680! At least 20 out of the 120 seats will be bundled up in packages worth $2,180!

With these seats, you will have access to the ~$2.13M GTD APT Taipei Main Event LIVE Day 1 in Taiwan.

Mega Satellites to ~$2.13M GTD APT Taipei ME Live Day 1
Date Time (HKT) Buy-in (USD) Guarantee (USD)
2 March 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 8 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $1,680 Seats
9 March 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 8 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $1,680 Seats
16 March 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 10 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $1,680 Seats
23 March 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 10 x $2,180 Packages
$35 5 x $2,180 Packages
30 March 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 10 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $2,180 Packages
6 April 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 10 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $1,680 Seats
13 April 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 12 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $1,680 Seats
20 April 2025 8:00 p.m. $200 12 x $1,680 Seats
$35 5 x $1,680 Seats

*Each package contains a APT Taipei Main Event seat worth $1,680 and $500 in Natural8 credits.

$20/$3.50 Step Satellites to APT Taipei ~$2.13M GTD ME Live Day 1*
Day Time (HKT)
Monday - Friday 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. (Hourly)
Saturday 2 p.m. - 11 p.m. (Hourly)
Sunday 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. (Hourly) 8 p.m. (Express**) 9 p.m. - 12 a.m.

** Express satellites are quick games that are expected to last around 1 hour

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens if I cannot attend the LIVE Day 1?

You will forfeit your $1,680 APT Main Event entry entirely.

Can I use my $1,680 seat to play the APT Taipei Main Event OnLive Day 1?

Yes, you will be able to use this for the OnLive Day 1s. Your entry to the LIVE Day 1 will then be forfeited.

How do I claim my seats & packages?

The Natural8 team will reach out to you via email with further details and instructions and a digital seat coupon by 23rd April 2025. Once you have confirmed your attendance, all you have to do is approach the APT registration counter at the venue with your digital seat coupon at least a day before for your Day 1 seat.If you win an APT Main Event package, the $500 in Natural8 credits will only be credited to you if you play the APT Taipei OnLive Day 1 or attend the live event. Note: Kindly complete your KYC verification as soon as possible as you will be identified at APT Taipei with your real name. Otherwise, you might be unable to claim your seats and/or packages.

What happens if I win multiple Mega seats?

If you have already won a seat to a specific Mega satellite, any additional unused seat(s) you win will be converted to T$ (minus rake).

What happens if I win multiple tickets to APT Main Event LIVE Day 1?

You may use all of them for either the LIVE Day 1 or OnLive Day 1 events. For any additional unused seats, you will receive $1,512 [minus the rake ($168)] in the form of Natural8 credits after the series is over. However, any individual unused seat that is not an extra seat will not be refunded.

What if I already qualified for Day 3 through the APT OnLive Day 1s?

Any additional unused seats won would be treated as per the question above.

Main Event OnLive Day 1s - Play Online and Jump to Live ITM Stage (Day 3)!

Main Event OnLive - APT Taipei 2025

Time is money – with Natural8’s Main Event OnLive Day 1, you get to save LOADS of time AND money.

Play OnLive Day 1 and leap to the Live ITM Stage (Day 3) in three steps: COMPETE, SKIP, and LEAP! You don’t even have to leave your room!

Here's how:

  • Enter the ~$2.13M GTD APT Taipei Main Event OnLive Day 1

  • Last until you reach the money zone

  • Automatically secure your spot in the live APT Main Event Day 3

Mark your calendars, as the APT Taipei OnLives will kick off on 17 March 2025!

~$2.13M GTD APT Taipei Main Event OnLive Day 1
Date Time (HKT) Buy-in
16 March 07:30 p.m. $1,680
23 March 07:30 p.m. $1,680
30 March 07:30 p.m. $1,680
6 April 07:30 p.m. $1,680
13 April 07:30 p.m. $1,680
20 April 07:30 p.m. $1,680
Mega Satellites to ~$2.13M GTD APT Taipei Main Event OnLive Day 1
Date Time (HKT) Buy-in Seats
15 March (Sat) 5:30 p.m. $200 2 x $1,680 Seats per day
16 March (Sun) 5:30 p.m. $200 3 x $1,680 Seats per day
22 March (Sat) 5:30 p.m. $200 2 x $1,680 Seats per day
23 March (Sun) 5:30 p.m. $200 3 x $1,680 Seats per day
29 March (Sat) 5:30 p.m. $200 2 x $1,680 Seats per day
30 March (Sun) 5:30 p.m. $200 3 x $1,680 Seats per day
5 April (Sat) 5:30 p.m. $200 2 x $1,680 Seats per day
6 April (Sun) 5:30 p.m. $200 3 x $1,680 Seats per day
12 April (Sat) 5:30 p.m. $200 2 x $1,680 Seats per day
13 April (Sun) 5:30 p.m. $200 3 x $1,680 Seats per day
19 April (Sat) 5:30 p.m. $200 2 x $1,680 Seats per day
20 April (Sun) 5:30 p.m. $200 3 x $1,680 Seats per day
Step Satellites to APT Taipei ~$2.13M GTD ME OnLive Day 1*
Date Time (HKT) Buy-in
Monday - Friday 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. $20
Saturday 11:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Hourly) 4:30 p.m. (Express) $20
Sunday 11:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Hourly) 4:30 p.m. (Express) 7:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. (Hourly) $20

Mark your calendars, as the APT Taipei OnLives will kick off on 17 March 2025!

*The weekly step satellites start on 10th March 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does the OnLive Day 1 conclude?

Day 1 ends once less than 15% of the field is remaining, and all players make the money.

What happens if 2 or more players bubble at the same time?

In order to make it to the money stage of the event, you must survive the bubble. Multiple players bubbling is no exception.

What happens once I survive until the end of OnLive Day 1?

You are in the money and automatically qualify for the APT Taipei Main Event Day 3 ITM stage, to be played LIVE at Taipei, Taiwan. The Natural8 team will reach out to you via email with further details and instructions. Once you have confirmed your attendance, all you have to do is approach the APT registration counter at the venue for your Day 3 seat.Note: Kindly complete your KYC verification as soon as possible as you will be identified at the live venue with your real name. Otherwise, you might be unable to claim your seats and/or packages.

Can I play another OnLive Day 1 after qualifying into Day 3?

Yes, you are allowed to play multiple OnLive Day 1s, however only your best qualifying stack will move forward to Day 3 and the rest of your lower stacks will be forfeited. You will receive the minimum cash for the forfeited stacks that qualified into Day 3.

Can I also play the APT Taipei Main Event LIVE Day 1 after qualifying into Day 3?

Yes, you can still play in the live APT Taipei Main Event Day 1 even if you have qualified for Day 3 via Onlive Day 1s. However, do note that by playing in the live Day 1, you will have to reach the In-The-Money stage of the live Day 2 in order to qualify for the live Day 3. The same Best Stack Forward rules will apply as per the question above. All lower stacks (between online and live) that qualified to Day 3 ITM stage will be forfeited and receive the minimum cash.

Must I play the APT Taipei Main Event LIVE Day 3?

If you choose to not play the live event, your stack will be forfeited, and you will receive the minimum cash in the form of online credits after the live Main Event is over.

Other Special Ways to Qualify for the Main Event

Terms & Conditions

  1. Players must be aged 18 and above to participate in this promotion.
  2. All currencies are quoted in US Dollars unless stated otherwise.
  3. The event guarantees are subject to change, and the amounts listed on this website may not be current. For the latest information, check the tournament lobby of the Natural8 app.
  4. Players must meet all the entry requirements of the live event venue.
  5. The withdrawal of the $50,000 Main Event bonus is subject to Natural8’s withdrawal requirements as per the Withdrawal Policy. The $50,000 Main Event bonus will be credited to the player's online Natural8 account as credits.
  6. Natural8 reserves the right to investigate any players suspected of fraudulent activity, and take any necessary action. In the event of multi-accounting, bonus hunting, or foul play, Natural8 reserves the right to forfeit any prize amounts that have been paid along with any remaining cash balances, without prior notice.
  7. Natural8 reserves the right to cancel or modify this tournament and its promotions at any time without prior notice, and at its sole and absolute discretion.
  8. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the Natural8 website.
  9. Natural8 is an advocate of safer gambling. If you feel you might have an online gambling problem, do seek further advice or counseling at

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