Win your way to APT Taipei 2025 | Over 270 seats to be won | $50,000 Main Event bonus for Natural8 Qualifiers only

Journey to APT Taipei 2025 [Country Exclusives]

Take on your fellow countrymen for an APT Taipei Main Event Package—because friendly competition is just another way to say, "I'll see you at the final table!"

With Natural8’s Country Exclusive events, players from three nations will battle for a shot at one of 22 APT Taipei Main Event Packages!

The final table players from each country will then face off live in Taipei—where the APT Trophy is waiting for its rightful champion. Oh, and did we mention there’s an extra cash prize pool too?

3 個國家、3 個決賽桌和 3 個 APT 獎盃。


📽️ 所有決賽桌都將在APT 的 YouTube 頻道上直播。

Table of Contents


The Journey to APT Taipei 2025 [Country Exclusives] is your chance to represent your country and win big! Natural8 players from Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong will battle it out for one of 22 APT Taipei Live Packages—because nothing brings out national pride like a little friendly competition.

Each country will be allocated 6 to 8 APT Taipei Live Packages. The players from each country must survive the online battlefield and make it to the final six / eight to earn a ticket to the live final table in Taipei. At the end, there’s also an extra cash prize pool waiting for the ultimate champions!

With plenty of satellites available at the Tournament Lobby, and APT Taipei Live Packages at stake, there’s no reason not to take your shot!

💡Psst! If you win the Main Event by qualifying via one of our Country Exclusive events, you'll be eligible for the $50,000 Main Event bonus!]

thailand flag 泰國

APT Thailand Exclusive @ APT Taipei 2025 [Thai Only]

Seize one of the 6 coveted APT Taipei Main Event Packages and play the final table live in Taipei, Philippines for a share of the ฿125,000 prize pool.

作為來自泰國的 APT 台北撲克經典賽現場賽事套餐的冠軍,您不僅可以鎖定主賽事參賽資格,還可以享受豪華的交通和住宿,一切都可以在家中完成。

誰知道呢,您可能就是下一個贏得 APT 主賽事的 Punnat!

日期 時間 國籍 買入 入圍者 保底獎金
30th March 2025 5:00 p.m. (THA) Thai* ฿1000(~$30) 6 ฿700,000 (~$20,588) in APT Taipei ME Packages (1st-6th)**, a ฿125,000 (~$3,676) Prize Pool, and transport & accommodation

*Strictly Thai nationals only

**Each package includes a ฿57,120 (~$1,680) APT Taipei Main Event seat, transport, and accommodation.

Final Table - Live at APT Taipei
28th April 2025 09:00 p.m. (HKT)

taiwan flag 台灣

N8TW x APT Taipei 2025 [Taiwanese Only]


Join us in this Taiwan-exclusive event to win one of the 8 exclusive APT Taipei Live Packages and the opportunity to play the final table live in Taiwan for a cash prize pool of NT$109,494 (~ $3,318) and an APT trophy.

As an APT Taipei Main Event Package winner, you're not just joining the fun; you're scoring a NT$55,440 (~$1,680 ) Main Event entry, plus an extra NT$16,500 (~$500) to fuel your poker adventures.


日期 時間 國籍 買入 入圍者 保底獎金
23th of March 2025 8:00 PM (HKT) Taiwanese* NT$2,640 (~$ 80) 8 NT$685,000 (~$20,758) in APT Taipei ME Packages (1st-8th), an NT$109,494 (~$3,318 ) Cash Prize Pool


**Each package includes an APT Taiwan Main Event seat worthNT$55,440 ( ~$1,680) as well as NT$16,500 (~$500) in online credits to cover flights & accommodation.

Final Table - Live at APT Taipei
26th April 2025 09:00 p.m. (HKT)

hong kong flag 香港

N8HK x APT Taipei 2025 [Hong Kongers Only]

We are back again! Here's your exclusive opportunity to grab one of the 8 APT Taipei Main Event Packages and play the final table live in Taipei, Philippines. Remember: All 8 finalists will share a cash prize pool of HK$26,480 (~$3,310).

As a package winner from Hong Kong, you'll score a HK$ 13,440 (~$1,680) Main Event entry as well as an additional HK$ 4,000 (~$500) that you can use for your travel expenses.

不要猶豫——您可能成為第一個贏得 APT 主賽事的香港玩家!

日期 時間 國籍 買入 入圍者 保底獎金
23th March 2025 8:00 PM (HKT) Hong Kong* HK$1,200(~$150) 8 HK$ 166,000 (~20,750) in APT Taipei ME Packages (1st-8th), a HK$26,480 (~$3,310) Cash Prize Pool


**Each package includes an APT Taipei Main Event seat worth HK$13,440 (~$1,680) as well as HK$ 4,000 (~$500) in online credits to cover flights & accommodation.

Final Table - Live at APT Taipei
27th April 2025 02:00 p.m. (HKT)



What happens if I make it to the Final Table?

The online event will pause once there are only 6 / 8 players left. As one of the final tablists, you will play the Final Table live at APT Taipei 2025 for your share of the cash prize pool as well as an APT Trophy.



Taiwan – 26th April , 09:00 p.m. (HKT)

Hong Kong – 27th April , 09:00 p.m. (HKT)

Thailand – 28th April , 09:00 p.m. (HKT)


是的你可以。額外的席位,將可以轉換為 Natural8 積分(減去服務費)。


您將收到相當於主賽事買入費,減去服務費的 Natural8 積分。


You will need to claim your Main Event entry ticket live at APT Taipei 2025.


您必須完成 KYC 流程並證明您是該國家/地區出生的,才有資格享受此國家/地區獨家促銷活動。


我們將展示您的 Natural8 暱稱或您喜歡的名字。


The $500 event allowance will only be credited into your Natural8 account if you attend the live event and the final table.

我可以在不玩遊戲的情況下提取 500 美元的活動津貼嗎?

是的,500 美元的活動津貼不需扣除佣金。

我會收到本次活動的 APT 獎杯嗎?

是的,作為我們國家 APT 獨家賽事之一的獲勝者,您還將有資格獲得 APT 獎杯。


If you are unable to attend the final table on time, you will be disqualified from the Final Table. You will also forfeit your Main Event entry as well as your Final Table prize.

In the event that you have already redeemed your Main Event entry beforehand, we will charge the Main Event entry fees amount to your Natural8 account balance.


  1. 玩家必須年滿 18 歲才能參加此促銷活動。
  2. 除非另有說明,所有貨幣均以美元報價。
  3. 活動的保底獎金可能會發生變化,並且本網站上列出的金額可能不是最新的。有關最新信息,請查看 Natural8 應用程式的錦標賽大廳。
  4. The exchange rate is taken on and is accurate as of 2nd March 2025.
  5. Players must meet all the entry requirements of the live event venue, including the age requirement, if any.
  6. 50,000 美元主賽事獎金的提取須遵守 Natural8 提款政策規定的提款要求。 50,000 美元的主賽事獎金將作為積分存入玩家的線上 Natural8 帳戶。
  7. APT 台北獨家活動
    • Event Attendance:
    • All qualifiers must attend the APT Taipei live events while wearing Natural8 patches.
    • Disclaimer: The Natural8 player who wins the APT Taipei Main Event via any of the APT Taipei 2025 - Country Exclusive events will be eligible for the $50,000 Main Event bonus.
  8. Natural8 保留調查任何涉嫌詐騙活動的玩家,並採取任何必要的行動的權利。如果發現多重帳戶、違規的方式追求獎金或不正當行為,Natural8 保留在未事先通知的情況下沒收已支付的任何獎金以及任何剩餘現金餘額的權利。
  9. Natural8 保留隨時取消或修改本次錦標賽及其促銷活動的權利,恕不另行通知,並可自行決定。
  10. 此促銷活動受 Natural8 網站的條款和條件約束。
  11. Natural8提倡更安全的賭博。如果您認為自己可能存在賭博問題,請在www.begambleaware.org上尋求進一步的建議或諮詢。
